Thursday’s News & Notes
The Suns fall into third place on a 2-3 Wednesday for the Nats farm
The Suns fall into third place on a 2-3 Wednesday for the Nats farm
One win, one suspended game, and three losses on Tuesday night
P-Nats win 5-1, lose 2-0
Lombo gets the E.L. POTW nod
Two losses, an off day, an AWOL box score, and a “rainout” on Monday
Oh, look a rainout in Woodbridge on a sunny day!
All but the P-Nats lose by a 5-4 score on Sunday
P-Nats take their 4th straight with a 5-2 win over Salem
The Quick Rundown… Team Yesterday’s Result Today’s Game Pitching Matchup Syracuse Chiefs Won, 3-2 vs. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 7:00 p.m. Erik Arnesen (0-2, 4.91) vs. Andrew Brackman (2-5, 6.75) Harrisburg Senators Lost, 4-3 vs. Akron, 7:00 p.m. Brad Peacock (7-1, 2.28) vs. Matt Packer (2-6, 5.19) Potomac Nationals Won, 2-0 vs. Salem, 1:05 p.m. Paul Demny (2-6, …
Potomac win #8, home shutout #1