Friday’s News and Notes
Syracuse breaks its losing streak to highlight a four-win Friday
Syracuse breaks its losing streak to highlight a four-win Friday
The P-Nats rap out 25 hits in a doubleheader split
Here’s a closer look at the two newest members of the farm system
Our weekly look at the leaders, trailers, and outliers in the Washington Nationals minor leagues.
The Senators double up the Sea Dogs; The GCL Nats win in extras to highlight Thursday’s action
It’s a Wednesday to forget as every affiliate that played lost
The Suns only rise above the losing on Tuesday in the Nats minors
Danny Rosenbaum pitches Potomac into first place, the DSL Nationals rally in the 9th to highlight Monday night
Adam Carr is movin’ on up… and so is Brad Peacock
Two big wins, a shutout, and a rainout mark the last Sunday in July for the Nats’ minors