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Mets Double Up Nats, 4-2 in Spring Breakout

In between the endless prattling from the SNY broadcasters, former college coaches, sideline reporters, and the Mets front office, there was a game yesterday afternoon in which the Mets’ top prospects beat their Nationals counterparts, 4-2.

As was feared/loathed in comments, the Nats trotted out seven pitchers over seven innings. Jackson Rutledge was the first and let in an unearned run on an error by James Wood and a two-out double.

The Nats took Rutledge off the hook with a Trey Lipscomb single, steal of second, and a two-out double by T.J. White in the top of the 2nd.

In the 4th, Yohandy Morales and Drew Millas both singled to open the innings. After Lipscomb hit into a double play, White delivered the second (and final) Nats run with a two-out double off the RF wall.

From kirkie, our U.K. correspondent, via the comments:
Herz came on to pitch 4th – and yep, his issue is command. Missed low; straight fastball; swings and miss on the change. ropey curve that he couldnt throw for strikes. Not helped by a PB from the new catcher [Max Romero]. Solid single let in a run, but balls were missing low or were up. My take? If he gets command, and maybe a 3rd pitch – Tyler Clippard upside.

The blown save went to Herz. The loss went to Jarlin Susana, who hit 103 on the stadium gun, but the fastball remains straighter than a western starring John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Sam Elliot (damn right I’m gonna reuse that one). Susana gave up the last two runs on three hits while walking one and striking out two.

The Nats went down in order in both the 7th and 8th innings.

Other notes 𝆕♪𝅗𝅥

𝅘𝅥 Dylan Crews and Brady House rounded out the singles in the 1st and 5th, respectively

𝅘𝅥 Cole Henry struck out the side in his inning, using both his mid-90s sinker and low-80s slider

𝅘𝅥 Travis Sykora emerged from witness protection to get three outs on seven pitches, including a backwards K on an ABS challenge

𝅘𝅥 Andry Lara worked around a walk and fanned one as the final Nats pitcher of the game

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