Chanukkah is more than two weeks past, Winter solstice (and National Short Girl Appreciation Day) is two days in the rear-view mirror, while Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Boxing Day are this weekend.
Today is Festivus, the made-up holiday popularized by Seinfeld in 1997. While I’m not Jewish (or particularly religious) I can certainly get behind the underlying theme of protesting the consumerism and commercialism of December, especially when it flies in the face of common sense.
I will, however, pass along my annual wish that by the time you’re reading this, your to-do list is done, you are where you want to (or should) be, and with whom you want to be. Bonus points if that’s the people you love. Double-bonus if they’re also family (*rimshot!*).
Stay safe, stay sane, and stay sober if you get behind the wheel. In the immortal words of William Shatner*: “Don’t drink and drive – do one or the other.”
* Yes, I’m aware of his recent car accident, but so far, it looks like it has nothing to do with alcohol, just the idiocy of still driving himself at the age of 90