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Transaction Update

The good news is that there’s been a little something to justify posts as we hit 596 days since the minors stopped.

The bad news that thing has been injuries, with Juan Soto being the latest casualty. That precipitated the following moves:

For those keeping score at home, that a total of seven back-and-forths for Hernandez and Harper in two weeks. If there were only some sort of metaphor for that…

But snark aside, the more interesting move is the recall of Steven Fuentes, which seems to indicate that Paolo Espino might not get a second turn as the replacement for Stephen Strasburg. Or it could just be GM Mike Rizzo doing the equivalent of having the backup quarterback take some practice reps to mess with the opposing team’s defensive coordinator.

If it’s not gamesmanship, then that might be an interesting turn of events for Fuentes… going from being suspended at AA to end his maybe-breakthrough 2019 season to perhaps making his MLB debut less than 130 games later (sorry, but I think that might be the best way to write off 2020), or to put a finer point on it: less than 80 games after he was reinstated.

Of course, it’s all conjecture right now. It’s not like I’ve got much else to write about.

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