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Let the Games Begin

It seems early but it’s none too soon.

A year ago, the idea that we would be talking about the defending World Series champions seemed like a pipe dream. Many were still obsessing over whether a certain free agent would re-sign.

Then again, a little less than four months ago, who’d have thought that most of the media focus in West Palm Beach would be on the losers of the 2019 World Series?

But that’s all beside the point for us as followers of the Nationals minor leagues. We’re focused on who’s next, as we always are. And quite frankly, with a team this old—20 on the 40-man were born in 1990 or earlier—the odds are fairly good that one of “our guys” might be playing in the majors this summer; maybe even in Washington!

We still don’t know officially who’s been signed to fill out the rosters at AAA and AA, aside from the non-roster invites. We also don’t know who’s been released, has retired, or pretty much anything transaction-related. Baseball America remains mum on the subject, at least when the site is working (not so this morning) and has had next-to-nothing from the Nats affiliates for weeks now.

But for about three weeks or so, we’ll follow the happenings in Spring Training and return to posting nearly every day. Once it seems obvious that most of the minor-leaguers have been sent to the backfields, we’ll shift gears and wait for the minors to start up.

Can’t wait to hear what songs they’ll play for the Astros tonight.

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