As mentioned last week, the official list has been released by Baseball America and here’s the rundown:
Devin Ivany
Nolan Brannon
Chase Lambin
Ofilio Castro
Pete Orr
Wilberto Ortiz
Pedro Lopez
Jason Botts
Leonard Davis
Chris Duncan
Marvin Lowrance
Edgardo Baez
Brad Coon
Jerry Owens
Jamar Walton
Starting Pitchers
Andrew Kown
Jason Jones
Jimmy Barthmaier
Zach Dials
Luis Garcia
Dan Leatherman
Carlos Martinez
Jesse English
Victor Garate
Glenn Gibson
Chuck James
Yunior Novoa
So Where Did You Screw Up?
Actually, all things considered, BinM caught most of my mistakes, of which most were guys in the lower levels (Nolan Brannon?!). Rafael Martin appears to be still with the organization, as is Brian Peacock. Considering that the most up-to-date transactions on BA are through October 31, it’s more than possible that there are some more guys that resigned in the interim.
Perhaps more interesting is the trend of fewer and fewer guys testing the waters. In ’07, there were 602. In ’08, there were 561. In ’09, there were 536. This year, it’s 533. The only obvious theory? The poor economy has convinced some guys that maybe another year of a known quantity is better than taking their chances with hooking on elsewhere.